mercoledì 26 maggio 2010
De ausencias escondidas en mi ombligo, de susurros colgados del lóbulo de mi oreja, de gritos en la niebla.
De esto se puebla esta tarde azul en mi cama.
De sinsentidos sin más marco que mis sábanas revueltas.
Tarde de vino y tu perfume en mi muñeca.
Tarde de desgarros.
Tarde de contraluces en mi perfil.
Ventana azul con montañas recortadas.
El sabor amargo del vino en mi paladar.
La primavera gritando vida ahí fuera.
Y yo mirando mis manos vacías.
Son un cuenco lleno de ausencia, de no tocarte, de no sentirte.
De desgarraros en la piel invisible que me rodea.
Y tu perfume colgando de mis muñecas.
Se balancea en un hilo invisible hasta mi cordura, le abre las puertas, la agita, la remueve y le grita tu nombre.
Se agitan en mi mente imágenes de ti, como parpadeos fugaces.
Tú durmiendo a mi lado.
Tú despertando en una cama llena de arena.
Tú llorando mientras dormía.
Tú revolviéndote entre mis piernas.
Tú mirando hasta el final de mis ojos.
Tú agarrándome fuerte para acercarme a ti.
Tú con tus ojos tristes mirándome en el aeropuerto.
Abro los ojos y corro hacia la ventana, para abrirla y lanzar al vacío tu nombre y mis desgarros.
Eres cuchillo de ausencia, eres un cálido y amargo trago de vino.
Eres todo lo que quiero y no tengo.
lunedì 24 maggio 2010
Silencio y paz todos los días de 7:30 a 8:30.
No se le puede pedir más al universo que un rincón de paz envuelto en nubes caprichosas, pájaros que despiden al sol, aviones que dejan su estela de luz, el último tren, las campanas de la iglesia a lo lejos, el olor del trigo recién cortado, las ranas y grillos...y tú conmigo en mis pensamientos.
Se que estas son unas de las imágenes y momentos que más recordaré cuando todo esto se acabe...
lunedì 3 maggio 2010
choosing my family
Here I am, feeling a bit uncomplete, as you know. But this is not a sad post. It´s a thankful, caotic, without sense compendium of my thoughts.
If I have to define how I´m feeling right now, the word is thankful, really.
I´m so thankful to the universe for giving me the oportunity of knowing one member of my family that I didn´t knew before. One of my universal sisters.
Because, as my mom teach me, your family is not with whom you where born, is who you choose. And I choose you as a piece of my heart.
I really can´t explain all the things we lived together in a few words, but, I only want to say you thank you for all the drinking nights, all the chats, all the music, all the sunsets or sunrises, all the adventures, all the birra, all the screams against the fog, all the films, every word of itanglish we created, every crazy laugh at 4 a.m, every coffe, every shared silence, every confidence, every hug, and everything...
I have to admit that I´m much more creative with words in spanish, but, lady, this is what I am, with my merdistic and vaffanculistic english....another thing I have to thank you, because ho migliorato tanto il mio inglese grazie a te...hahahah
Nowadays, I´m feeling a litle bit lost, all this empty space only for me, no one for wake me up in the mornings if I killed the alarm, no one to watch a movie, no one to...
But everything is getting more normal, with the tic tac of the clock, every single second I´m missing you, but I´m building my smile again, I´m puting our music in my mp3 while going to Coop, (even if I´m thinking you are going to appear with Eva...) and I´m feeling you again here.
I will drink every drop of chianti, in your honour, I will eat every slize of pizza in honour of our tummys, I will ride my bike in the neverending hills for the sake of our sanitary, I will sleep in our grass in honour of our siestas, and I will smile again and take notes of every single incredible thing I´m going to live here for explain it all to you after.
I will kiss the hands of Massi for you, and I will serve the morning coffe to Pietro for the sake of my ears (he is saying your name every fucking morning before saying caffè)...
And I will have you sitting in the corner of my left eye, to see all the things I´m going to see.
I love you so much sister, ci vediamo a presto!!